Title: «Thumbelina» April 2024
“Magic Forest“ collection 2
Technique: acrylic on “Fabriano“ paper
Dimensions: 40 x 50 cm
Have you heard the story of Thumbelina, a girl as small and helpless as a flower? Beautiful, compassionate, fragile. In Liza’s world, such a character could not live by herself and needed a husband desperately. But wait, that was in the story.
Okay, she is as beautiful as a flower, but even if her true life purpose is to stay in a vase, she has the hands to create her life as she wishes. She has the abilities to defend herself and to help others. My Thumbelina knows the value of true kindness, the one that comes from power. Otherwise, it’s only a tool to survive, poisoned by fear and weakness.
You may be tiny and gorgeous, just don't forget to have the poison like any nice exotic flowers do.